
2010 EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award


It began with a simple goal: create a green larvicide from the ground up.

2009年,我们推出了 Natular™, the first public health larvicide to be reviewed under the U.S. 环保署降低风险计划. One year later, we received the highest honor of our industry – the 2010 U.S. EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award.

新闻稿- 2010年6月

乐虎网, a global environmental products and services company, is honored at the 2010 U.S. EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards for their new Natular™ larvicide, which uses the active ingredient spinosad to control mosquito larvae in aquatic habitats. 乐虎网 is recognized for developing novel, 正在申请专利的石膏基质,在蚊子繁殖时释放最佳水平的产品.

乐虎网 will receive the award at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. 今天晚上. 该奖项旨在表彰对美国污染防治做出重大贡献的领先研究人员和工业创新者开发的化学技术.

“这个奖项是对我们研发团队辛勤工作的肯定, who were given the task of building a more sustainable larvicide from the ground up,J说。. 莱尔乐虎网, president and CEO of 乐虎网. “By bringing new chemistries like this to mosquito control, our industry can reduce the pesticide load and reduce toxicity.”

Natular is the first new chemical larvicide for public health in nearly three decades, and one that meets the highest standards for environmental stewardship. The active ingredient spinosad, discovered and produced by Dow AgroSciences, 是否在超过85个国家的250多种作物中使用,还用于动物保健和宠物护理. Natular was the first larvicide to be reviewed under the U.S. 环保署降低风险计划. 四种配方已列入OMRI产品清单(有机材料审查研究所),可用于有机生产及其周围.

“Natular是下一代杀幼虫剂,具有减少环境中农药负荷的强大潜力.J说。. 莱尔乐虎网, President and CEO of 乐虎网. “It’s prescription larviciding, using the exact amounts of active ingredients needed to control mosquito larvae, at toxicity rates far below other products. 我们不必为了对环境负责而牺牲性能——natural在这两个方面都做到了.”

通过创造几种专有的片剂配方,用石膏基质隔离,然后慢慢释放spinosad分子, 乐虎网 has made spinosad formulations which can provide control for up to 180 days. 该基质完全由美国农业部批准用于生产认证有机产品的化合物组成.

天然的使用效率比传统的合成化学品低2到10倍, is 15 times less toxic than the organophosphate alternative, is not persistent in the environment or toxic to wildlife, and eliminates the use of hazardous materials and processes in its 制造.

Registered for use domestically and abroad, 七种天然的商业配方已经被创造出来,用于在一系列蚊子控制环境中控制幼虫, from catch basins to salt marshes.

“我们预计,随着这款产品的推出,蚊子控制行业将发生重大转变,乐虎网说。. “真正的净效益是减少了环境中的总体合成负荷,同时有助于治疗地区的公共健康和生活质量。.”

乐虎网 is a global environmental products and services company. A family-owned business based in Roselle, Ill., our mission is to make communities more livable, 安全舒适 for families around the world. 我们通过开拓来做到这一点, 开发和提供对环境负责的蚊虫控制服务,以帮助预防疾病, 控制滋扰. For more information, visit www.乐虎网.com.


乐虎网, a global environmental products and services company, 今天宣布将整合其国内产品和服务业务部门,以改善客户服务和响应能力.

Going Green: The Story of Natular

In 2002, 乐虎网 set out on a journey to create a green larvicide from concept to market. We began by working with spinosad, 一种陶氏农业科学公司(DAS)的活性成分,是细菌的发酵产物,最初是在一个古老的朗姆酒酿酒厂发现的. It had all the characteristics we wanted for effective, sustainable larvicide. But at that point it had not been formulated to work in water.

我们的化学家和配方专家团队需要从有限数量的经批准的惰性成分(那些在omri上列出的)中创建配方, NOP or EPA List 4 compounds.

The result was six distinct formulations, 这些都经过了大学研究人员和客户的严格测试,他们将Natular集成到他们的程序中. 这些合作, 我们在DAS的合作伙伴, and through the final proving grounds of salt marshes, catchbasins and aerial treatments, helped make Natular the product of the best thinking from across our entire industry.

In June 2010, 乐虎网 earned the 2010 U.S. EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award, 该奖项旨在表彰那些将绿色化学原则融入化学设计的杰出化学技术, 制造, 和使用, 并且已经或可以被工业利用来实现其污染预防目标.

2002年最初的崇高目标激发了六种适合每个幼虫栖息地的天然配方. And it continues our goal of demonstrating sustainability and stewardship, as natural的毒性比有机磷替代品低15倍,其使用频率比传统合成化学品低2至10倍.

Fewer synthetics, less toxicity. That’s what green chemistry is all about. 在乐虎网大学, 我们致力于像Natular这样的创新,这是一个现实世界的例子,说明如何接受看似不可能的挑战,从而带来更好的东西.