
How is the Public Health Mosquito Control Industry Using Social Media?


I recently attended a marketing conference and learned that the average person now spends 2 hours on social media and over 7 hours consuming content – 一天! 在我克服了最初对这些数字的震惊之后, I found myself thinking about how social media is used in public health mosquito control. Curiosity got the best of me, and we decided to just ask.

This information isn’t a sweeping report of the industry’s adoption of social media. 但在调查了大约100家美国公司之后.S. 基于客户, 包括灭蚊区, 市政项目, 公共卫生部门, 出现了一些我们都可以借鉴的关键趋势.

  • 脸谱网 is where it’s at 70% of respondent organizations are using 脸谱网 to communicate with their constituents.
  • 推特是第二受欢迎的平台, 但即便如此, 只有约29%的受访者表示使用过它.
  • For comparison’s sake – that’s close to the same percentage of respondents who said their organizations 不要使用 任何用于外部交流的社交媒体网站- 23%.
  • And whether your mosquito control organization is using social media or not, 70% of survey respondents do use one or more social media platforms personally.


The mosquito control industry is using social media in four primary ways:

  1. To build overall awareness of what we do and why it’s important
  2. 公共关系方面
  3. To educate the community on their role in mosquito control – think “Tip & “Toss”或“Fight the Bite”程序
  4. And to inform the community of planned treatments or important surveillance work

然而, when asked about the type of content that they are seeking from their peers and the industry at large, 受访者同意以下四个主题类别:

  1. 社区教育工作
  2. 有关蚊媒疾病的报告
  3. 乐虎网新技术或新产品的信息
  4. 操作最佳实践

Key Takeaways for Mosquito Control Programs Considering Social Media

虽然这只是一张快照,但需要更深入的研究, we can draw some understanding from the survey on how the industry can use social effectively:

  • Meet your customers, constituents and colleagues where they are – on 脸谱网, and sometimes 推特. The reality is that conversations about your work are happening there whether you participate or not.
  • Use social platforms for community relations and education by showcasing the importance of your work and earning the support of stakeholders.
  • Put content on social that meets the expectations of what your constituents want to learn about. 不要以“你”为中心.”

Download the Survey Results:  A Snapshot of Social Media Usage in Public Health Mosquito Control

A short summary of the survey results is available here for download. If you find this information valuable, drop me a comment below or send me an email, and let’s chat!