
新闻 & 博客



乐虎网, utilizing the principles of green chemistry isn’t just about compliance; it\’s about fundamentally altering how we approach chemical formulation and engineering to protect both human health and 环境. We treat it as a call for innovation and progress— to create mosquito control solutions that are economically viable, 环境可持续性, 对社会负责.

FILE PHOTO: Signage is seen at the headquarters of the United States Environmental 保护ion Agency (EPA) in Washington, D.C., U.S.2021年5月10日. 路透社/安德鲁·凯利/资料图片

Navigating the EPA Registration Process for Mosquito Control 产品: A Comprehensive Guide

有效管理蚊子种群需要负责任的人, 有效使用专门的灭蚊产品. These must undergo a rigorous registration process mandated by the EPA to ensure they do not pose unreasonable risks to people, 宠物, 或者环境.


California Ban on Gas-Powered Small Engines and Electric Alternatives for Public Health Mosquito Control

2021年10月, 加利福尼亚州签署了第1346号议会法案,使之成为法律, 一项旨在禁止销售新的天然气动力汽车的法案, 小型越野发动机,并在2024年1月之前逐步淘汰某些设备. 今天,该法案在……全面生效。


Exploring Mosquito Diversity in Your Environment: A Guide to Identifying Adult Mosquito Species 

Join Senior 场 Scientist Andrew Rivera at 乐虎网 as he walks through a step-by-step process for identifying adult mosquitoes. 从识别常见的蚊子种类到理解独特的身体特征, these methods will help field technicians link observed behaviors with specific mosquito species.


随着我们继续推进我们对全球公共卫生蚊虫控制的承诺, we are excited to announce the appointment of Allen Gent as the President and Chief Executive Officer, 1月1日生效, 2024.  有了这个转换,J. 莱伊尔……


蚊媒疾病继续对全世界的公共卫生构成重大威胁, 一些蚊子对长期使用的活性成分产生了抗药性, 现在比以往任何时候都更加重要的是,要为蚊虫控制制定创新的解决方案. 作为一个公司…


乐虎网,我们致力于成为优秀的管家,为我们的社区服务. 每年, 我们有一个爱心日, 我们在全国各地的办事处都关闭了吗, 我们的200多名团队成员花了一天的时间做志愿者……

Championing Environmental Efforts with 乐虎网’s Give to Tomorrow® Program: 2023 Grant Recipients

乐虎网\’s Give to Tomorrow grant program recognizes and supports non-profit organizations striving to restore, 维护和保护人民的福祉, 环境, 野生动物和食物的生产或获取.

The 乐虎网 Learning Center: Workshops and Educational 资源 for Mosquito Control Professionals

The 乐虎网 Learning Center provides educational resources for mosquito professionals at all levels focusing on mosquito control, 继续教育单位(ceu)工作坊, 以及新兴行业相关主题的网络研讨会.


虽然在今天的美国被认为是罕见的, 疟疾在潮湿地区极为常见, 是世界上发病率最高的病媒疾病之一. Scroll to learn more about malaria, its transmission via mosquitoes, and methods for helping…

乐虎网集团有限公司. 被指定为工作的好地方

乐虎网是第三代, family-owned public health products and services company striving to elevate and transform the science of vector control through the lens of sustainability and innovation. 我们的同事为我们的工作和我们所带来的改变感到自豪……



As 乐虎网’s field science team was tasked with raising and caring for mosquitoes for use in field testing on site, 其中一个创新的概念就是移动昆虫. 今天,副野外生物学家维多利亚·赫齐克代表野外科学……

网络研讨会记录:导航物种多样性 & 什么是矢量

上周, 乐虎网 rounded out National Mosquito Control Awareness Week with an all-things-mosquito webinar featuring Dr. 一天, Professor Emeritus at the University of Florida’s Entomology Laboratory and author of the 新闻letter, Kattie莫里斯, 安德鲁·里维拉, 乐虎网的主要成员……

乐虎网的野外科学团队:弥合创新之间的差距 & 实现

乐虎网’s 场 Science team spearheads the fieldwork and trials conducted to assist with developing, and registering new and existing mosquito control products under EPA and Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) regulations, 包括新产品的上市和上市后的工作。



The use of drones as a product deployment and surveillance tool within mosquito control programs has steadily increased over the past years. Earning an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) certification is essential to utilizing and incorporating drones within a mosquito control…

乐虎网 Operations: The Impact of PCR Lab Capabilities on Control and Application Decisions

蚊子传播的疾病威胁着全世界的人类健康, implementing an integrated mosquito management (IMM) system can go a long way toward mitigating those risks. 在IMM网络内, 监测杠杆明确地作为幼虫或成虫控制的前身。


保护. 节约. 与乐虎网一起控制.

